Mobile Communication Vehicle for Establishing Communication Layers in Various Frequencies During Communication Interruptions

folder_openEmergency Response Vehicles
Mobile Communication Vehicle- Hub

In some incidents, all wireless communication layers become inaccessible. The crisis management organization was tasked with solving this issue using a mobile vehicle that could be transformed into a booster station.

A decommissioned vehicle was converted into a frequency reinforcement station, supporting various layers, including HF, VHF, UHF, 2G, 3G, and 4G. Radiofrequency amplifiers were installed, along with boosters for mobile phone frequencies. Following the installation of this equipment, the vehicle gained the following capabilities:

  • Wireless communication coverage improved from 5% of cases to 70%.
  •  Mobile phone coverage saw a 30% improvement compared to before.
Tags: Command Center, Emergency Response, Mobile Command Center

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