Designing and Manufacturing of a Communication Van with Satellite Connection

folder_openEmergency Response Vehicles
Communication Van

A development proposal was initiated for this project following the equipping of an emergency Communication Van for a telecommunications company. The van was designed to establish temporary communication during crises such as floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes in areas where regular communication infrastructure is disrupted. The client already possessed a van and sought satellite communication capabilities to facilitate fiber optic, analog wire, and network wire connections. Satellite communication eliminated the need for point-to-point communication or towers.

A motorized satellite dish on the roof was installed to address this requirement. This dish could automatically connect to communication satellites and integrate with the telecommunication company’s internal network. The satellite functioned as a conduit, redirecting communications from disconnected points to accessible locations via satellite links.

Upon completion of this project, the following advantages were realized:

  • Cable communication coverage could be extended without requiring direct visibility of a telecommunications center at each point.
  • The vehicle provided sufficient workspace for two operators to function safely and effectively, equipped with necessary welfare and climate control infrastructure.
  • Equipment installation on the vehicle was optimized to ensure no damage during transportation, enabling rapid deployment and establishment of communication at required locations without delay.
Tags: Communication Van, Communication Vehicle, Mobile Communication Van, Mobile Network Hub

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